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Popularization of financial knowledge related to banks, warrants, Hong Kong stocks, foreign exchange, gold, futures, options, trusts, etc

Introduction to exchange rate system

What is foreign exchange? In a narrow sense, foreign exchange originally refers to foreign currency. In a broad sense, it usually refers to the means of payment for international settlement expressed in foreign currency. Exchange rate is also called "foreign exchange market or exchange rate".

Introduction to liability business of commercial banks

Debt is a monetary debt that a bank is trusted to assume and will be paid by assets or capital. Deposits and derivative deposits are the main liabilities of banks, accounting for more than 80% of the source of funds. In addition, inter-bank deposits, interbank deposits, borrowed or borrowed money or issued bonds also constitute liabilities of banks.

What are the properties of options

For investors, options have brought new risk management solutions. For traders, options have opened a new trading field. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of options is an important topic. To this end, Haitong Futures and Options Department specially summarized several characteristics of options, and shared them as follows:

The Direct Impact Of a Stronger Us Dollar

The appreciation of the dollar has resolved a number of economic difficulties for non-US countries.

Introduction To Versions Of The Us Dollar

Paper money has been used in the United States since before the Declaration of Independence.

What is an option?

An option means that the buyer has the right to choose to buy or sell the agreed asset at the strike price at the agreed time in the future, and the seller of the option must assume the obligation to perform when the buyer chooses to exercise.

Three Major Us Stock Indices

The Dow Jones Index is the oldest, most influential and most widely used stock index in the world.

What Do You Mean By Capital Markets? What Are The Financial Assets Included?

Capital markets, also known as long-term capital markets, are an important part of the financial markets.

Trading rules of stock index futures

Futures, abbreviated as SPIF in English, refers to stock price index futures, also known as stock price index futures and futures, and refers to standardized futures contracts with stock price index as the subject matter. Both parties agree that the target index can be bought and sold according to the size of the stock price index determined in advance on a specific date in the future. Dayou Stock Index Futures Analyst Net points out that the two sides are trading the stock index price level after a certain period of time, and the delivery is carried out through the cash settlement difference. As a type of futures trading, stock index futures trading and general commodity futures trading have basically the same characteristics and processes. Stock index futures are a kind of futures. Futures can be roughly divided into two categories: commodity futures and financial futures.

What Are The Differences Between Financial Futures And Commodity Futures

Financial Futures are binding, standardized contracts between two parties to a transaction to buy and sell a financial instrument at an agreed time and price in the financial markets.


Warren Buffett's Untold Secrets - How To Make Steady Profits From Stock Trading

Most investors are in and out of the stock market as frequently as bees picking flowers, but they fall into losses that they cannot extricate themselves from, even somewhat inexplicably.

What Is An Etf?