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Popularization of financial knowledge related to banks, warrants, Hong Kong stocks, foreign exchange, gold, futures, options, trusts, etc

ntroduction To The Development Of The Global Options Market

Early options trading in the US began in 1872, founded by the then famous financier Russell, and at that time included call and put options, the market was always OTC and required trading through brokers.

What Exactly Are Fixed Income Products?

With the recent volatility in the equity markets, fixed income products are back on investors' radar.

The Essence Of Safe Futures Speculation: Trading Rules

Trading in the fast-moving futures market is like driving on a highway, with the floating profits and losses of your account going straight up and down, sometimes so fast that you are overwhelmed.

The Impact Of Interest Rates On The Currency Market

The interest rate, in its manifestation, is the ratio of the amount of interest to the total amount of capital borrowed in a given period.

Upper And Lower Limits On Call Option Prices

Unlike assets such as stocks, futures and foreign exchange, there are clear upper and lower bounds on the value of options.

Six Major Differences Between Financial Futures And Financial Options

Six Major Differences Between Financial Futures And Financial Options


Introduction to exchange rate system

What is foreign exchange? In a narrow sense, foreign exchange originally refers to foreign currency. In a broad sense, it usually refers to the means of payment for international settlement expressed in foreign currency. Exchange rate is also called "foreign exchange market or exchange rate".

What Is Matic Coin?