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Popularization of financial knowledge related to banks, warrants, Hong Kong stocks, foreign exchange, gold, futures, options, trusts, etc

The Main Types of World Gold Prices

There are currently three main types of gold price in the world: the market price, the production price and the quasi-official price. All other types of gold prices are derived from them.

What Is London Gold?

When it comes to gold, the media often talks about 'London Gold'. In short, it is 400 ounces of 99.5% pure gold bricks stored in the underground vaults of the City of London.

What Is Gold Margin Trading

In the current world of gold trading, there are both gold futures margin trading and gold spot margin trading.

International Business of Commercial Banking

International trade and non-trade transactions that occur as a result of claims and debts are received and paid in currency and settled under certain forms and conditions, thus giving rise to the international settlement business.

What Are the Characteristics of Speculative Trading in Futures Indices?

In a broad sense, any risk-taking behavior for profit can be called speculation; in a narrower sense, speculation refers to risky investment behavior that takes advantage of fluctuations in the price of commodities or financial assets in the market.

The Value of Options - How to Understand the Price of Options

In real life, the closest thing to the concept of an option is insurance.

Delta And Delta Risk of Options

When the price of the underlying falls, the call option loses value, but by how much? This discussion brings us to today's topic of option delta risk.

What factors cause gold investment demand

Like any other commodity, in essence, the trend of international gold price is mainly affected by the relationship between supply and demand. When the supply of gold exceeds the demand, the price of gold will decline; When the demand for gold is greater than the supply, the price of gold will rise. Here are the demand factors of gold.

A Brief History of Gold Development

Before 3000 BC, gold was first recognized by human beings in the ancient country of Egypt. Since then, it has been closely intertwined with human development. With its dazzling luster, gold has become the first choice for decoration.

What Are Warrants?

A share warrant is a marketable security issued by the issuer of the underlying security or a third party other than the issuer, which provides the holder with the right to buy or sell the underlying security from the issuer at an agreed price within a specified period or on a specified maturity date, or to receive the settlement spread through cash settlement.